

Design-Build Services

Design-Build Services include a unique blend of Design Services and General Contracting Services, combined to ensure the desired interaction required for a cost-effective Building Solution. Design•Build Services typically include:

RFP Development

Develop Civil, Architectural Consultant and General Contractor RFPs including Interview and Selection Processes.

Team Management

Chair the Building Committee and Construction Team Meetings, providing required Documentation including Agendas, Minutes and Task Tracking.

Document Review

Review Construction Documents and provide required Analysis.

Plans and Specifications Review

Complete and thorough review of all Bid Documents including evaluation of all supporting Reports and Investigations, coupled with a commensurate RFI Process to evaluate Conflicts and Issues Pre-Construction.


General Contracting Services

General Contracting Services involves a complex and aggressive compilation of activities to bring a Project from conception to reality while providing the Client their Facility with full satisfaction. Typical General Contracting Services include:

Plans and Specifications Review

Complete and thorough review of a Bid Documents including evaluation of all supporting Reports and Investigations, coupled with a commensurate RFI Process to evaluate Conflicts and Issues Pre-Construction.

Subcontractor Bidding and Schedule of Values

Complete and comprehensive Subcontractor Bid Process to provide the most qualified, responsive Bids available – producing the Schedule of Values and Contract Sum.


Providing the full range of Construction Activities overseen by competent and experienced Project Supervision and Project Management.

Owner Occupancy

Providing assistance with Owner Occupancy, including Partial Occupancy during Construction, if desired, utilizing Phasing and Sequencing Strategies to lessen the disruption to Owner Operations.

Post-Construction Maintenance and Warranty

Providing detailed, comprehensive Owner Operation and Maintenance Packages.

Construction Management Services at Risk

Construction Management Services at Risk involves … … text goes here. Typical Construction Management Services at Risk include:


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